Mission of Akhil Bhartiya Agrawal Samellan

  • To convey the message of Maharaja Agrasen to the people.
  • To organize 10 million Agrawal males and females and about 20 thousand Aggarwal institutions by connecting them at the national and provincial level.
  • To arrange for the creation, printing, publication and description of certified glorious history of Maharaja Agrasen, Agroha and Agrawal caste.
  • Establish a research center to conduct research in the history and other subjects of the Agrawal society.
  • Develop Agroha as a place of pilgrimage and make it a center of reverence for all.
  • Organizing and organizing events to celebrate Maharaja Agrasen's birth anniversary throughout the country and abroad.
  • Organizing mass weddings and encouraging day marriages.
  • To promote and disseminate an ideal social culture system with a view to better editing and bringing uniformity in the social rites prevailing in the society.
  • To take special care of women and youth in every activity of the society and to awaken the consciousness of the nation and society through their independent institutions.
  • To assist the needy people of the society in the field of education, health and employment.
  • Helping the destitute and the depressed to cooperate and make self-reliant.
  • Developing and honoring talents.
  • Active participation and cooperation in national and natural disasters.
  • Construction of residential buildings and establishments for the needy persons.
  • Yoga, institutes, spiritual centers, gymnasiums, sports sites, dispensaries, orphanage clinics, establishment of medical medical centers and other work for the welfare of life, etc.
  • To protect the environment and implement other public utility schemes.
  • Protection of cultural heritage and national values.
  • शैक्षणिक एवं साहित्यिक गतिविधियों का प्रभाव, प्रसार एवं प्रोत्साहन के लिए संस्थानों, पुस्तकालयों एवं अनुसंधान केन्द्रों की स्थापना करना इत्यादि।
  • To plan and implement for the protection and promotion of cattle.
  • To inform the youth of the country about the glorious history of the great men of Agrawal Vaishya Samaj.
  • Disseminating Agra-literature and Agra-Bhagwat.

Make dreams come true

  • Will embody Agroha as a powerful Shaktipeeth.
  •  Will make Agroha the center of faith of every foreman.
  • Agroha will give the message of world peace from Shaktipeeth.
  • Agar-Vaishya will do research to establish research center on the history of society.
  • Will provide beauty in the form of tourism.
  •  After digging the mounds, we will research the remains of Mahabharata period.
  • By promoting Gita and Yoga, we will increase the interest of the common man towards it.
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